Monday, April 30, 2007

One hundred and two days to graduation!!

We got a tour of a DC-3 on Friday and it was very cool. The DC-3 was the work horse of WWII. The one we toured was a civilian model but very much the same as the military. When we arrived I lead the guys I was with in the wrong hanger but it turned out OK because we found the planes pictured above and stared for a while and wished for a even longer that we could have them. The one pictured above is a Cessna 185 on floats; I could very well be flying this type of plane on the field.
Took my mom flying for her b-day and she enjoyed the flight. Levi and Cecily went and had a blast. Very smooth flying; just a few bumps hear and there. I greased the landing; which is a good thing because non-pilots never ask passengers how the pilot flew; they ask how he landed.
We had an uneventful trip back besides the fact that Johnny had the worst gas ever. Small plane + bad gas = vents and windows open as fast as possible. He was given a new nick name "The Mad Bomber".
Pastor did a great job on Sunday. More people need to hear the truths which God gives him!
I was able to put $900 on my school account today. Praise the Lord for His provision. Please pray for God to provide more so I can take my test soon.
My brother and his wife are coming down for the weekend (4th and 5th). Call or leave comment if you all want to do something. We have a church work day on Sat 5th.
The family I stay with during the week dealt out retribution to me last week. I was "involved" with a prank in which they were the receiving party. My soap was cut into very small cubes and my bed was short sheeted. So after making my bed; I crawled under the covers to discover a sand like substance (turned out to be salt) all over my sheets. So I shook them out but that did little to help. The sheets ended up on the floor in front of the locked door. I was taking no chances with an open door and me being sound asleep.
I have twenty hours of make up to do and about three months to complete it. I am doing about an hour a day. Shouldn't be to bad.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One good reason to skip class

As I write there is a guest speaker in the classroom and he is a seventh- day Adventist missionary. Hence the reason I am blogging. He was getting his "bible" out just before I left the class room. I will not listen to the teachings of a so called law keeper. It is such a inconsistent belief system. No one can keep the law. It's like trying to go the speed limit your whole life. You will be distracted at some point and will go over the speed limit; breaking the law. It will not matter to the officer that you were distracted and the fact that you have never exceeded the speed limit previously is irrelevant. This is an impossible scenario because all men are born with a sin nature and would go to Hell strictly because they are Adams decedents. Satan has blinded the eyes of the world and they can not see the light. The have a warped sense of righteousness and do not know they are still on the path of destruction. I know most everyone who reads this will be in agreement with me but it really bothers me that this fellow is even given a chance to present his "ministry". The irony of the situation is most every one in that class is a Christian and planning to be a missionary and we are going to preach against what he believes and he is a guest speaker for us. He is going to be speaking for about a hour. I am disquieted with in my soul over this.

I started a new section at work last night and it's more work than I have been doing lately. I started this job with the biggest section in the building, then they halved it because it was to much and I had the easiest section. So now I am in between. It is in the warehouse and it is very warm. Though it does get cooler as the night goes on.

I am suppose to go up north for my moms b-day this Saturday; if not will do something with the cousins.

Had a good conversation with Thad, a southern redneck classmate. We talked about the ministry and some other interesting bible related topics.

I seem to be wearing down a lot more lately. I'm just tired all the time it seems. Some one said "The world is run by tired people" that being the case, I am still waiting my turn:) I still need to take my writtens test and orals and practicals but have to be up to date on my bill to test. Please pray that I can take them soon; I am filling my head with all kinds of new stuff and I have to be able to remember the old when the time comes.

going to go take a nap and hopefully feel a little more energetic.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Free Chinese Buffet for lunch! One of the board members took all twenty three students, interns and instructors to lunch. Twenty nine of us in all. It was mmm good. Then we watched a training video and were done with school. Big lunch+training video+one small class room=very drowsy, some sleeping and very content students. After class I went out to the picnic table and laid in the sun; watching airplanes take off and land. The Life of Riley; which brings about an anomaly. Riley was a radio personality back in the day; who was a buffoon, basically he was the Raymond of today but worse; if that is possible. So somewhere along the way of witty sayings it was twisted round. BANG Killed the rabbit. Basically it was a good day up to now. I have to go to work. Have a great weekend! Go to a good Church on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

education follies and some funnies

If you can't stay awake in class, can't pay attention,(even when you do try) and generally don't really care if the world were to stop spinning because you are so ready to be done, over, finished and in all respects ready to just plain quit; what does that mean? Yes, I know you are sitting in the edge of your seat waiting with bated breathe! If you have not encountered this along the path of life, one day you will be standing a top a hill looking into a beautiful adventure before you and somewhere in that journey you will get discouraged and depressed and exhausted and burdened. Then you will do what I am doing? Still haven't told you have I? It is very easy but very hard: Just keep going. Remember the picture you had at the beginning; it will have changed some but do not let circumstances dictate your attitude and actions. Finish your long run, jog, walk, crawl for you will do them all. Yes it rhymes, so witty of me. (writing this is self therapy)

It takes a college degree to fly a plane, but only a high school diploma to fix one. Reassurance for those of us who fly routinely in our jobs. After every flight, Qantas pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe sheet," which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and the pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by Qantas' pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers. By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never ever had an accident. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.

S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.

S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit.

S: Something tightened in cockpit.

P: Dead bugs on windshield.

S: Live bugs on back-order.

P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.

S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.

S: Evidence removed.

P: DME volume unbelievably loud.

S: DME volume set to more believable level.

P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.

S: That's what friction locks are for.

P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.

S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

P: Suspected crack in windshield.

S: Suspect you're right.

P: Number 3 engine missing

S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

P: Aircraft handles funny.

S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

P: Target radar hums.

S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

P: Mouse in cockpit.

S: Cat installed.

And the best one for last..................

P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with
a hammer.

S: Took hammer away from midget.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Took my final test and past. Just a couple hours of make up time and airframe is done with!! On to powerplant and engine overhauls.

It was a good weekend. My cousins and I discussed some family issues, played some magic and watched a movie. Emily made some awesome pasta. HMMMM Good. Slept like a log and woke up very groggy. Pastor did a great job on Sunday; if we could just live all he preaches. By the grace of God we are able.

I kept track of the questions asked by one of the guys in class today and lets say he was not as bad as he has been, but definitely asks more questions than, Oh wait let me amend that, useless questions than any one else in the whole history of man kind!! I am not exaggerating at all well maybe a little but not very much. I.E. his record is twenty six questions, doesn't sound like a lot but consider a thirty minute time frame and than you wonder what he is thinking. I know what I was thinking"put a sock in it already." Today he asked a total of thirty-two in all classes. Far to many. Whats really sad is he highly intelligent but does not seem to be able to connect the progression of the topic and will ask a question that the teacher just answered. OK I'm done ranting and raving but he really is a pain.

Have to talk to the Duane about money and school and see if we can work something out. Gods kept me hear for eight months and I pray he will provide so I can finish and get my license at graduation. It's in the Lords hands and he is able.

Ryan and I are teaming up to work in engine class. He is pretty good with engines and I should be able to learn a lot with him.

I get to play super janitor tonight and get paid for it. Oh the misfortune some have of not being able to experience the exhilaration of cleaning cubicles. I get excited just thinking about it. GET ME OUT OF HEAR!!!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

I have a test in about ten minutes over about three months of material. You really can't study for a test of this size. Unless you don't' have a job, responsibilities or a life in general. It involves math formulas which I have memorized for the moment. You know how it goes; recite them backwards forwards and in your sleep but will you remember them for the test. The law of probability says, "you will remember enough of the material to be confident that you did well and then will be shocked back to reality when you barely pass the test." As I write I can hear then last minute cramming in the hall, terms and discussion of them. Most of the guys here are focused on the mission field, though there are a few of them that I have a feeling the mission field would be better off without. Harsh, I know, but only those who are going to do a true work for God should go. Makes me wonder what drives some of these fellows to make this type of commitment.
Talked to my cousin last night, have to call him back tonight and finish the conversation. There are a lot of people who do not understand my family. From my grandma to the great grandchildren we get together two times a year, Christmas and Fourth of July. Every one trys to make it, accept for Uncle Phil. The last few years he has not shown up. He has had a few good reasons but not always. He had better show up this year!!! Hear that Uncle; we are going to give you a hard time at the wedding. You had better be there, not that we will do anything to you but harass you one way or another:-)
Going to go study. I'll finish this later.
Well I finished the test and it was not that bad, till I the results come in and I have come face to face with the reality of my own incompetence. Just kidding it was really very easy. Some generous folks brought lunch to the school today. Not sure what it is but it smells delicious. Granted a bachelor, who never cooks, is writing this.
I have one night of work left and then the weekend. Mike, Mike and I are going to do something on Sat. (Yes they are different Mike's) We were going to lift weights but I sprained my wrist awhile back and it seems to be getting worse. I could be tough and try but that would be counter productive and painful. Have a great weekend and be in a Bible believing church on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I figured out how to cut and paste me into a cockpit. HA HA!!! This is really me flying safety pilot for Bill the fellow who sits behind me in the THIRD ROW. Yea that's for the THIRD ROW!! I'll upload more later. Do right and be faithful.
It's been a pretty depressing day in western Michigan, if you stepped outside you would think the month was February and the state Alaska. This to shall pass and at least I am not working outside! We are just under the four month mile marker for graduation and will be finished with airframe next Monday. Oh yes the utter joy and exhilaration. Power plant is the final subject and I am looking forward to getting dirty in an engine and accessories. Not so much getting dirty but the opportunity to learn more. In all I have learned this year one thing stands out; though I have learned much I have learned only a small portion of what I need to know. If you do not continue to learn in the realm of aviation, be it pilot or mechanic, you run the risk of making a mistake that will put you an others in danger. Scary thought but that's why we stay on the ball and why they show accident videos and pictures in one of the first classes they teach here. Put a little fear in you and you will be careful. So if your reading this and don't like to fly do it any way because if it's your time to die it doesn't matter where you. Flying is safe, crashing is dangerous! I have no planes to crash ever:)
I have three test coming up but my bill needs to be paid before I can take them. Please pray for Gods provision. Have a great day and be faithful to the Lord.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Well here we are in the month of April and there is snow on the ground and it is colder than it should be this time of year. I am starting this blog to keep friends, family and any one else who happens to read this informed about my life, school and anything else I happen to write, be it fact or fiction. More fact than fiction to be sure. I will be posting pictures as often as I can and as most of you know I take a lot of pictures. I'll write at y'all later.