Monday, December 1, 2008

Why do I always get the chopping cart that has a bad wheel, it happens every time I go to the store. Its a what end I do not know.

Thanksgiving was great! I spent four and a half days with my Uncle and Aunt in Northern Virginia. Uncle Pete and I have had great conversations in various topics.

One thing we discussed was whether the church is doing church biblical. Go back with me to the church in the early days in Rome. The church was made up of slaves and the poor, though I am sure well to do and rich people also attended. The point being, slaves were the lowly part of society they had no money and would come to church dressed how? It was sub-standard dress which would be frowned upon in today's church environment. How much emphasis do we put on outward appearance? How much money do we spend to insure our outward appearance is acceptable to the established standard. (were did the standard come from in the first place?) Materialistic comes to mind as well. The scripture teaches in I Peter 3 that we are to focus on the interior not the exterior aspect of our lives. We should take care of ourselves but not become caught up in our appearance. James tells us in chapter two of his epistle how we are to treat our fellow neighbors regardless of appearance. Now all who are reading this, for the most part, agree with what I have just written but the rub comes when we are faced with how we respond, you have the head knowledge but will you allow these truths to change your actions. This is always the hard part for me as well.

You may wonder what this has to do with the churches doing church biblically, it is one facet of imposed ideas by the church which contradict scripture. Others being, not following the leadership which God has placed over us, allowing the neo-evangelical philosophy to take root in the church, the emphasis we place on music, it should be the preaching, church is no place to be entertained. Church has become a social club were people come, hear the word and leave. But to what affect!? Does the average church member know what the point is to being a Christian. What does separation mean to the Christian? Maintaining the same distance from the world or following the scripture? The same distance from the world means as the world moves so does the church. The engine of the train and the caboose are separated but they are on the same tract and going in the same direction. A few examples, pants on women where once unacceptable, going to the movies were once considered wrong, mixed swimming was frowned upon. (Notice I am not telling you my position on any of these and I have a good reason.) The point is culture has influenced the church, it always will but needs to be subject to the scripture. So were has the church gone astray in accepting those things the world has introduced just so we fit in or don't look so different. Its not up to me to tell you.

Many preachers make up a standard which may or may not be biblical for this simple reason; rules are easier to preach then personal responsibility before God, topical preaching. You see if believers would study their bibles themselves they wold grow but it is much easier to go and be told what to do and follow rules, men followers. So now we have rules which few actually are convinced of biblically. If they are biblical or not they don't know. The problem occurs when you are not studying the word yourself your not walking with God; then the preacher says something you don't like you decided to kick him out and get a new one. Its a nasty cycle which must stop. Conclusion preachers need to preach spirit filled living and not rules to be followed.
Gods word is the supreme authority no matter what the world may say. It judges from a pedestal of perfection and can not be subordinate to culture change, religious bent, it rules over all. The final conclusion is the individuals which comprise the church do not know what it really means to serve a Holy Living God, myself included. May God grant me the courage disciple and desire to know the bible the way I should and then to practice what I know according to his divine purpose.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

As some of you know the company I work for had a plane go missing in Amazon rain forest about two weeks ago, there were three people on board, two pilots and an equipment operator. I knew both of the pilots fairly well. Wes, the captain, is 28 and Chris, the first officer, is 23, Pat, the operator is 21. When you hear of young men crashing in a remote location such as it is you think about life, the brevity of it specifically. You ask the questions why did it happen, whose fault was it, pilot or mechanic, or just an accident no one could prevent. We may never know what happened. The search has been going on for roughly two weeks now and they have narrowed the area down but have nothing solid. The unique aspect about the search is we have been looking far longer than normal. We have been told when a plane goes down in the jungle the search normally goes on for two or three days. So we have really impressed the locals and those in the know with our resolve to find the plane and hopefully survivors.

Back to how short life is; what are we doing with our lives right now? We have pilots rotate in and out on projects all the time. It could easily have been two other pilots. My point is you have no idea when or how you are going to die. So knowing that how do you behave in your day to day life. Do you tell your family you love them, do you treat others as you want to be treated? Or do you live a carefree life not thinking of others or the future?
My future has been on my mind lately; I am not where I thought I would be five years ago.
I have come to the conclusion I am need to do the best I can were I am until God moves me else were. I have know this for a long time but need to be reminded of it often.
Life is short live right do right and just keep going forward.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Prediction: Russia will test the new president by putting missiles in Cuba and will start the cold war again. We will lose this time. I hope I am wrong.

Google is tracking word usage related to the flu, in order for the government to know were the flu is breaking out. hmmmmm how long before they start tracing blogs and public forums. not that theh fbi doesnt all ready.

drudge report for more details.

Monday, November 10, 2008

im back

hey its been a long time but I'm back and will be posting about my non boring life even if i have to make it up! I am in my new apartment and have wireless, hence the blogging. i room with two guys who work overseas most of the year so i have a townhouse all to my self for the most part. So i am up for company now, just let me know when you are coming.
the job is going well but i feel like i have learned some but not near enough. had a girlfriend don't have a girlfriend, and life goes on. I'm in the Christmas production at church and am the star, no that does not equal Shepard. it is a modern day story about two friends both in the news industry,TV, one saved the other not, one dying the other not. I'm the unsaved undying one. its pretty good, whether i am is yet to be determined. write more later, oh and pray for the nation cause we need the president elect to get converted and for the church to have revival.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Texas Rabie Project and Dynamic Aviation

What in the world does Rabies and Aviation have in common? The USDA and the Texas Wildlife Service and Dynamic Aviation work in conjunction to drop a secure vaccine for rabies. This vaccine is in a plastic wrapper which is housed in a dog food like substance. Our planes drop these baits which the coyotes and foxes consume , thereby receiving the rabies vaccine. The vaccine can not hurt humans. I am in Texas for about twenty days as a "hey you I need you to do this or get me that" kind of worker. I am also working as a mechanic when needed. I am very sunburned but having a good time. We have been in Zapata Texas for the four days and will be leaving tomorrow for Junction, a few hours north. We are as close to Mexico as you can get with out being there.

My move to VA went well and I have found a good church that I will most likely join. The job is good and I enjoy the work environment.