Saturday, November 15, 2008

As some of you know the company I work for had a plane go missing in Amazon rain forest about two weeks ago, there were three people on board, two pilots and an equipment operator. I knew both of the pilots fairly well. Wes, the captain, is 28 and Chris, the first officer, is 23, Pat, the operator is 21. When you hear of young men crashing in a remote location such as it is you think about life, the brevity of it specifically. You ask the questions why did it happen, whose fault was it, pilot or mechanic, or just an accident no one could prevent. We may never know what happened. The search has been going on for roughly two weeks now and they have narrowed the area down but have nothing solid. The unique aspect about the search is we have been looking far longer than normal. We have been told when a plane goes down in the jungle the search normally goes on for two or three days. So we have really impressed the locals and those in the know with our resolve to find the plane and hopefully survivors.

Back to how short life is; what are we doing with our lives right now? We have pilots rotate in and out on projects all the time. It could easily have been two other pilots. My point is you have no idea when or how you are going to die. So knowing that how do you behave in your day to day life. Do you tell your family you love them, do you treat others as you want to be treated? Or do you live a carefree life not thinking of others or the future?
My future has been on my mind lately; I am not where I thought I would be five years ago.
I have come to the conclusion I am need to do the best I can were I am until God moves me else were. I have know this for a long time but need to be reminded of it often.
Life is short live right do right and just keep going forward.

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